We want your stay in SUCRE SUITES is the most pleasant possible and we are at your entire disposal for this to happen. So that everyone can enjoy their stay, we describe some rules that govern your stay.
How to book?
In the following ways:
I. Through our website through the inquiry or reservation form.
II. Through our WhatsApp +5491124002960.
III. En nuestra oficina, ubicada en Montañeses 1866 Belgrano– CABA
IV. By our email [email protected].
V. You can also find us at
Once the reservation is made, you will receive in your email the same with all the details of the rental and the conditions of entry, the apartment located, the price and length of stay.
Reservations made by WhatsApp will be governed by these Terms and Conditions.
Quedan constituidos los domicilios especiales, donde tendrán eficacia todas las notificaciones, sean extra o judiciales derivadas del presente contrato para PP&R S.A. (en adelante SUCRE SUITES) CUIT 30-71586845-4 en Montañeses 1866, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina y para EL HUESPED en el domicilio declarado en el contrato de la reserva.
To enter the rented apartment is a condition: a) the sending of all passports or other documents of the guests, b) reservation form made by one of our means and all information that is requested in order to coordinate the check-in.
This property has the following times and policies:
- Check In: 14:00 Hs a 20:30 Hs.
- Check Out: Hasta las 12 Hs.
You can stay per day, per week or per month, up to a maximum of three months.
- El huésped debe ingresar por recepción ubicada en Montañeses 1866, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Al Ingresar al Inmueble, Sucre Suites, da en alquiler al HUESPED y este toma en alquiler THE BUILDING, que se entrega con todo su moblaje. Tanto THE BUILDING like the furniture, they are delivered in a perfect state of conservation, installation and operation. when restoring EL INMUEBLE, EL HUESPED deberá devolver todo en el mismo estado recibido, siendo responsable por las pérdidas o averías aun cuando sean consecuencia de caso fortuito o fuerza mayor, por lo tanto quedarán comprendidos los hurtos y los robos, dejándose a salvo los deterioros que se produzcan del buen uso y el transcurso del tiempo, caso contrario responderá por los daños y perjuicios, que involucran reparar lo averiado, reponer lo faltante, más los alquileres perdidos por el lapso insumido en reparaciones.
- La cancelación de una reserva por parte del huésped, cualquiera fuera su causa, implicará la perdida de esta. Solo se podrá cancelar sin cargo 72 horas antes de la fecha de check-in.
- All our rates are expressed in USD ticket (US dollars)
The prices indicated on our page do not include VAT or taxes. When specified, services such as cable TV, Netflix and Wi-Fi access are included. As for the cleaning service, this is per stay and includes only the change of linen -sheets and towels-. In case you require this service during your stay, it will have a value of USD 12.
- In the event of non-payment of the PRICE or any other expense pending payment under this contract by THE GUEST, will accrue interest, automatically and without the need for prior interpellation, cumulative with punitive quality, at a floating rate and weekly capitalization, the latter will be carried out together with the fixing of the rate, on the first business day of each week. The applicable interest will be double that set by the Banco de la Nación Argentina or its substitute, in its active rates for overdrafts in bank checking accounts. The rates applicable to each period will be those of the immediately preceding one.
- Deposit / bank transfer.
- Credit and/or Debit Card. (Through payment link by WhatsApp or E-mail)
- Cash (Only at the reception).
La factura será entregada por PP&R al huésped dentro de los diez días en forma digital, salvo que el huésped la requiera en soporte papel.
To respond with the immediate payment of the monetary sums and other expenses and even the restitution of the PROPERTY and payment of all obligations under his charge, THE GUEST deliver to Sucre Suites un depósito en garantía el cual no devengará intereses y es recibida por Sucre Suites al momento del ingreso. Tendrá derecho Sucre Suites a retener de este depósito en garantía, todas las sumas adeudadas por EL GUEST that have this location as a source, be it to himself or to third parties and until he receives from the service providers and/or supplies, the invoices for the consumption of the GUEST, that until the day of the restitution of the PROPERTY have not been invoiced and paid. It is forbidden to THE GUEST, allocate the monetary deposit in guarantee, to the payment of any previous obligations, to the restitution in accordance with the PROPERTY.
Sucre Suites se reserva el derecho a cobrar un depósito de garantía equivalente a 200 USD billete (dólares estadounidenses) el cual será devuelto a su salida, o presentar una tarjeta de crédito que cuenta con saldo disponible cuyos datos será pura y exclusivamente a los fines de la garantía expuesta eliminando cualquier registro de dichos datos al finalizar su estadía. Por cuestiones de seguridad, Sucre Suites solicitará la información exclusivamente de manera personal y no por medios digitales.
- Guests must declare names, document number and ages of all people who will inhabit the property.
- Guests must respect the maximum capacity of each room published on our website, otherwise it will be grounds for eviction and loss of the guarantee deposit.
- Guests must respect the rules of co-ownership of the properties, otherwise it will be grounds for eviction and loss of the security deposit.
- Any breach of contract GUEST will give right to Sucre Suites to rescind this contract and demand the eviction, as well as demand the agreed special and general penal clauses, accumulating both.
- Sucre Suites se reserva el derecho de inspeccionar THE BUILDING, personally or with third parties designated by him, during daytime hours throughout the contractual term.
- Sucre Suites se reserva la facultad de admisión y permanencia.
- Any voluntary modification and/or improvement is prohibited, in THE BUILDING.
- Sucre Suites no será responsable por los daños y/o perjuicios que se le produzcan al GUEST or to third parties in their persons and/or their property, due to breakages, damage, short circuits, leaks, landslides, fires, floods, breakdowns, accidents, fortuitous event or force majeure, including theft and robbery, not resulting in the themselves exhaustively.
- The storage of money or valuables is expressly prohibited, including, without limitation, jewelry, watches, high-end cell phones, cameras, laptops, tablets, etc., therefore Sucre Suites is harmless and free of any responsibility for the possession, storage and deposit of everything mentioned in this clause, being the sole responsibility, custody and responsibility of the GUEST.
- It is prohibited to GUEST enter and/or deposit even temporarily in the PROPERTY, flammable, toxic, dangerous or polluting materials, firearms, weapons of war, or any other material that may cause serious damage or harm to third parties who are in the building.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the PROPERTY, en los pasillos, espacios comunes, entrada del edificio y balcones en virtud de la ley 26.687. En caso de incumplimiento automáticamente, Sucre Suites podrá aplicar sanciones económicas con un mínimo de TRESCIENTOS DOLARES ESTADOUNIDENSES (USD 300) al GUEST.
- The PROPERTY may only be used for housing for tourist purposes for the GUEST and their cohabiting group, which must be detailed with the data requested in Annex II. Any sublocations and/or transmissions, partial or total, transitory or permanent, free or onerous and in general, in any way and the change of residential destination are prohibited. Otherwise, the answer will be GUEST with a penalty clause (US$500) AMERICAN DOLLARS, (or its equivalent in Argentine pesos that are needed to acquire the dollars) per day, for each violation of this. The GUEST must respect the rules of the Co-ownership Regulation and the Internal Building, to which it is affected THE BUILDING, which declares to know and accept.
- El plazo de contratación será total e improrrogable sin obligación de notificar el fenecimiento del plazo. Queda pactada una cláusula penal a favor de Sucre Suites de THREE HUNDRED US DOLLARS (USD 300), for the simple failure to return the keys to the PROPERTY and/or its release from occupants and belongings on the stipulated day and time. This clause will apply without prejudice to the right of collection by the GUEST the PRICE to be paid for each additional night used by THE GUEST.
- The units have cleaning service per stay and at the request of the guests. This service only includes the replacement of household linen -sheets and towels-, and has an additional value of 12 USD (US dollars). If you require this service, the GUEST, You must give your consent for the staff to enter the unit, except in cases of force majeure or emergency.
- We are pet friendly! In all the units we admit small pets -up to five kilos-, with an additional cost.
- We are also eco-friendly! Because all our units have 100% electric equipment.
(Covid-19 pandemic situation)
- Guests are requested to collaborate and respect the regulations and measures of social distancing, hand washing (or use of alcohol gel), individual use of the elevator and the use of a face mask or mandatory mask in all common parts of the building. , according to the provisions of the Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 875/2020.
- In the event of a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19, the regulations in force in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will be followed: https://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/sites/gcaba/files/protocolo_0_de_caba.pdf.
- It is recommended to keep the environments adequately ventilated, whenever possible favoring cross ventilation.
In accordance with the terms and conditions written above, it is understood that there is an agreement and conformity between Sucre Suites and the guest, superseding any previous agreement -oral or written- on the subject.
The regulations applicable to both the lease of temporary apartments and the terms and conditions described therein are: The Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, the Consumer Defense Law 24,240, Law 6255 of temporary rentals of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires .